Mára aurë
The continuing story of my LotRO experience.
So continuing on from my first steps into Middle Earth this is my next blog about my encounters in Middle Earth. In the first of these blogs I had just stepped into the realm of Middle Earth with my optimistic drum beating Minstrel, with all my expectations, fears and ready comparisons to WoW of which I have clocked up to 10k hours on.
I’m level 39 just hit this yesterday and I’m at a bit of a loss at where to go now. After completing most of Everdim and Trollshaws quests (well the ones I can solo) I haven’t really been given any quests to go elsewhere. My problem is that there are quite a number of fellowship quests (understatement there are loads) and not a lot of people willing to do them. I’m on the RP server of Laurelin and I’ve seen many people running around about my level in each area, however when you ask in the area chat people seem very unwilling to group together for those harder fellowship quests; which has made levelling somewhat difficult, especially when I have completed all the normal quests and run out of quests with a load of fellowship quests clogging up my Quest Log of which I try and fail at doing solo.
Now I can hear you cry that's what a guild/ Kinship is for and yes I agree, but coming from the knowledge of being an officer and guild master in WoW, I know what’s like when you have a noob continually asking for help on quests group or not. It’s ok to start but quickly gets annoying; so I try not to ask much if at all. I’ve asked kinfolk my level if they wish to group for fellowship quests and again I get not much response or a sure ok and then not really much in the way of actually questing going on. moan over. SO what’s the issue with all the fellowship quests and should they be downgraded to normal now that the initial influx of low level new players have dwindled and those like me are struggling to find a person to group with?
Servant of Sauron?
I am still loving LotRO and playing it quite a bit each week as well as other games like Dragon Age:Origins and the new DLC and playing with various mods as discussed in Hangman’s blog. He does make a very good point tho, I’ve just completed my 30th Please go kill 10 bears quest, its a grind I tell you a pure unadulterated grind; now, coming from WoW I’m used to these sort of quests, they are Wow's bread and butter, and I understand why they are in there. But come on 30 quests to kill Bears let alone the 30 or so quests to kill Boars, Wolves, Spiders, (ok all spiders can die and I do honestly usually have to kill big ones with my eyes closed as much as poss) and don’t forget the eagles and I’m only lvl 39 how many more genocidal quests for the various Middle Earth wildlife species am I going to get before I get to 65? What did these poor animals do to warrant sure extinction?
This aside the world is lovely still and as Swift travel is free I’ve been exploring some of the lower lvl parts of the realm, heading to Thorin’s Gate last night and taking a few screenshots.
Disappointingly the dwarf place looks identical to the location of WoW’s Ironforge; very snowy mountain side fortress, none the less it’s an awesome site when you first round the corner and enter to witness the majesty of the opening chamber and huge dwarf statue bathed in light. So get your trust swift travel on on and get riding around the world as its free atm and go see some sites you would normally miss.
So where do I go now people Misty Mountains seems a little to high as the first creature I encountered travelling from Rivendell looked a mighty unfriendly Red and the quests I have left in Trollshaws are for beasties that like to smash my singing face and drum beating arms into the ground.
Are there any good LotRO sites and guides out there that you know of for noobs like me that are a good source of information that you would like to share?
oh and just a quick random WoW comment: PvZ in Warcraft Cataclysm looks awesome!! I can’t wait for Cataclysm. Fail of the Lichking wasn’t a patch on Burning Crusade.
Follow me on twitter @mmo_meanderer
or add me as friend and chat games and LotRO on Steam(Fleata), xfire(Fleata), or raptr (LadyFleata) or msn/xboxlive (mystiebudgie@hotmail.com)
See Hang I didn’t mention Codies abysmal LotRO F2P delay and subsequent unknown release date at all….. D’oh