
3.1 Beast Mastery Build

Although Beast Mastery has taken a knock in recent months from the massive amount of changes to damage and pet damage, its still remains viable in PVE. If have stuck with Beast Mastery through the changes in 3.1 and found damage output to be roughly the same if not slightly increased since the patch.
The Best pet for this spec is still the Devilsaur followed by the spirit beast and then cat/raptor. I know a lot of people are going for Gondira but to be honest I’m really not impressed with it, it’s just lazy blizzard reusing a skin they already have and not creating a new one.

I have been tweaking my Beast Mastery build quite a bit and I’ve found this one to be the best so far. This build has taken a tweaking and I get really good dps out of it.

Shot rotation
Shot rotation remains the same for Beast Mastery, as always
Send pet/ hunter mark macro -> Pet management macro -> Serpent Sting -> Arc Shot -> Multi-Shot -> Steady shot and then its a matter of Steady Shot till the other shots are ready.


Again the usual macros can be applied
The 1st one being the pet management macro
#showtooltip Bestial Wrath
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Call of the wild
/cast Rabid

This is easy enough 2 keep track of with the Omni CC addon. The tooltip is Bestial Wrath to keep to eye on its CD at all times
2nd macro is my main/spammy macro. Not used to extent, it used to be and now Kill Shot is on the GCD (Global Cool Down) it has to be removed from the original macro. However, this has made things somewhat better. The macro I use for all builds as it is generic.

/console sound_enablesfx0
/cast Steady Shot
/cast Kill Command
/console sound_enablesfx1
Use this when all other shots are on CD and mash it so kill command is used when it’s available. You will still hear the roar when it’s used.

3rd macro
/castsequence reset=6 Arcane shot, Multi-Shot

The shot macro from Marksmanship yes, just adapted from the Marksmanship one to accommodate Multi-Shot not Aimed Shot. I keep it as 6 seconds, as haste is soft capped for Beast Mastery this duration shouldn’t be a problem. If you do have timing issues depending on how much additional haste you currently have, just change the reset timing accordingly.

Kill Shot
Now kill shot is on the GCD we can no longer add this too macros (it’s a pain but simple enough to remedy. Either put it on its own or you can make another macro easy enough to use
/cast Kill Shot

Armour Penetration
This still is the best of stats for a hunter and to be honest you don’t need to worry about how much you have. Gear comes with it and you can’t do much about it. Grim Toll does help with DPS but that’s more a Hit issue than Armour Penetration issue. Although Armour Penetration has changed since 3.1 it’s still not a stat to stack on directly. For a Beast Mastery build, it is more important than it is for the other specs as Beast Mastery is a more physical build so keep an eye out for it, but don’t be overly worried.

Pet Talents
Go for the old build with the additional point in both new talents this works out well for DPS. Use addons to regulate pet abilities: KHT, Zhunter, Omni CC to name a few.

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1 comment:

  1. Great post! I am finally getting around to leveling my hunter and I am always on the look out for useful information.
