
A wow break

Taking a break from Warcraft for the time being. I'm a bit burnt out from raiding every week and dealing with lower than average dmg/ dps and ppl not listening. So after 4 long years a break is very much needed.

I'm not off the WoW grid just yet, I'm still replying to reader emails and doing the best i can to help those who need my advice on hunters. I'm still intouch with alot of friends from the guilds I've been in via vent and msn. I have no idea how long my break away from WoW will be, but i very much doubt it will be permanent.

So im playing a few other different games atm most are free to play with micro management facilities for those wanting to spend some money on them. But all optional.
Battle Forge
First of those is BattleForge
An RTS/ TCG a reall good free to play game with micro management to buy more cards

A really good game, and not easy to play, quite hard actually. Im very impressed by its graphics and its ability to really get you in its thrall and want you to play more, to farm over and over again for those upgrades to the cards you use the most.
Here is a screen shot of the action It has 1 player 2 player 4 and 12 player scenarios to team up and play for loot and also PVP sparring duels for you to pit yourself against other players to help you gain points and honour to buy those upgrades that just wont drop in the PVE side of the game.
All in all a really good game and fun to play. I've spent some money on the game and have 2 decks of cards ive spent money on a full nature deck and a Frost/Fire Deck.
There are Four types of cards Fire Frost Nature and Shadow. I have a friend who has gone shadow and found it quite hard to get to grips with as a starter. The Shadow deck is a great deck and ive read the cards for someone who can comprehend and use the deck to its maximum potential it would be an amazing deck to use.

Here is a wiki i found on the game The loot table is very handy for those wanting to collect all the upgrades.

Didn't think i'd be so into the game but i am.

Next is Runes of Magic

Gettng back into that game after a while away from playing lots of patches to download and talk of some new classes are intruging. Warden and Druid both of which some very interesting.
Magic the Gathering: Planeswalker
Also started Magic the Gathering on the 360 Arcade but only started that yesterday. Taking some time to re learn the rules of the game. I'm sure i still have my White Deck in the house somewhere. :D Sad i know. Cost wise, it wasnt too bad i guess £8.25 for the 800 points i needed to buy it on Xbox arcade but cheaper than a store buy.

Steam Games
Completed Portal, World of Goo, Plants vs Zombies all of which are great and fun to play. All these games where so fun to play, amazingly intuitive, inventive and good at getting that sluggish grey matter in my noggin moving again. Very good for getting to thinking strategically, logically whilst having a blast at the same time.
Steam also have the new Monkey Island available nd i'm very tempted by that toovery nostalgic i loved the old MI 1 2 and 3.

Rock Band2

Also Rocking out with Rock Band 2. Singing and Playing bass is hard but alot of fun and getting Hangman to sing is almost impossible. Another game im really enjoying. Rock Band is cool and i must say ive found quite a few songs that i didnt think i would like, that i do like alot. From old cheesy rock to hardcore headbangers its alot of fun and sometimes really hard to play. Roping Hang in now and then to get his guitar. Yes we have 2 guitars for RB2, tho not a porper microphone :D

All in all leaving wow has given my alot more time to play other games ive wanted to play and never gotten round to. I feel liberated and lonely all in one go. WoW has been such a big part of my life for so long and the chat from guild and wow members was so constant the void that not playing WoW leaves is something major im struggling to fill.

Really liking co-op games to play with my Hangman wish there was more out there, like RE5 coop that werent big burley men that would be fun and appleaing for me to play from a female perspective.

All i can say is WoW is great and everything but take time away from it to do other things. I'm obsessed and still think of WoW everyday what im missing, things i could be doing in the game but im hoping the obsession will fade in time and i can return to the game refreshed and not the WoW obsessed raider i was.


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1 comment:

  1. ill still be answering reader email daily and commeneting on the blog if needed
