
Well hello there fellow blogger

Today was as ordinary a day as any other; I was browsing the forums as I usually do looking for posts I can help on. Scrolling down the page 1 at a time reading the various QQ threads; we suck threads, please help threads. When i came across a thread called PVE pets, a thread i'd posted on before to say what pets I currently use. Scrolling down the replies I see a post which I read as usual and as I normally down looked at the signature (which are eitther funny, lame or quite witty).
This one was different
Each day is a gift, not a right.
The signature read. Nothing differnet here? Nope i'd seen the signature before. What did catch my eye was what was underneath the first line

Inspired by Saphirestar;
my blog - http://thehunterspeak.blogspot.com/


Then my thoughts tured dark is this a blog to parody me or to QQ me (dont flatter yourselfself I thought), so quite anxious I copied and pasted the blog address and indeed it's a great blog done very well by one Dothias of Regiment of Stormwind on the Darkmoon Faire server.

Kudos to you Dothias for starting your own blog I will be reading with interest :D

Thanks you so much for your signature. Love you loads Dothias and well done again.

Go on over to The Hunters Peak and have a look.

Happy Hunting

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  1. Grats on being recognised for your work hun!! I wander to Dothias' blog now and again myself, it's another good read, but a little more PvP-based methinks. I'm definitely a PvE man myself. I must also admit, I'm thinking of starting a blog myself. If it happens, it will definitely be a hunter blog, but more based on my general adventures instead, just from a hunter P.O.V.

    Are you excited about tonight and patch day? I am, although part of me wishes my guild was not going into Ulduar until tomorrow, giving me time to work on my new spec (0/14/57 replenishment spec methinks) and to spend some time spanking the test dummies in IF. On the flipside, I can't wait to get into Ulduar tonight, it looks WAAAAAY too epic in there to miss even one day out.

    What spec do you think you will choose? And what will you dual-spec as? I'm going back to my beloved BM for D/S, as I have a love of soloing old-world stuff. I also want to start running ZG for the raptor mount. Not fussed about the tiger, it's butt ugly.

    I think being a hunter in 3.1 is going to be SEXY TIME (to paraphrase Borat a little)!!!

    So much to do, so little time. I'm also really excited about the Argent Tournament too, although my raid schedule is now so full that I really don't know when I will get the chance to start building the rep for my baby resto druid pet.... if it's rep-based that is...

    Anyway, have lots of fun tonight, let me know how it all goes! I'll do the same :)

    Have a good day Saph hun!

  2. Yup, I', dead excited about today. RIght now I'm at 71% downloaded.
    I will mostly be for dueal spec BM/SV tho I am very tempted by MM will prob try that at some point too.
    We have tons of pallys to replenish so I dont have to worry about that so much.
    Will stay BM to run Kara - Midnight runs for the mount.(If it ever drops) :(
    Good to hear you are thinking of doing your own blog, when you get it off the ground, send me your blog address would be glad to have a read.

    Its very good news about Dothias, and yes its more PvP based this is a good thing, as I don't do PvP it gives me an insight to the PvP hunter and PvP macros.

  3. dead excited and well F*****d off the updater refuses to work any faster than a dead frog. I've been at 5% for 2 hours now with no sign of life.
    Looks like i wont be playing wow or raiding for quite some time.

  4. Heya!

    To be honest, you didn't miss much. The patch has caused mayhem. I can no longer see my whispers... ulduar and isntance servers were basically dead in the water last night... combo points on malygos phase 3 don't show.... pets seems to instantly die on malygos now, and he breathes on us no matter where you are, or even if he is turned away from you or not. There were a few weird moments, like when the whole of Dalaran's population fell through the city to a nasty splattery death. I was falling beside the ninja-turtles from the sewer....

    Asides from that, Ulduar is EPIC! The first boss (the only one we got to do last night due to the issues) is amazing fun. Tank combat is fantastic giggles.

    Did you manage to get it downloaded in the end? I often find that searching for and downloading the patch from a website mirror is often the fastest way to go.

    I stuck with Surv. The spec I chose is 0/14/57 and so far from what I have seen it was a good choice.

    Sooooo tired today, I was up until 2am jousting duels with my mates at the Argent Tournament. Horse mounted combat, yummy.....

    Anyway, had better go pretend to do some work, I'll tty in a bit, hope all your issues get sorted soon!

  5. nope didnt get it updated. it screwed up my pc so hard ive hard to format, which means ive lost everything as my pc wouldnt respond to anything at all.
    Still installing drivers atm not even thing about wow now.
    trying hard to get back into wanting to play wow now its F****d my pc yet again

  6. OMG sorry to hear that. One of our raidteam had the same issue last night, but not quite so bad, his WoW just broke. My WoW was playable but still fels broken. Damn I hate patch days :-(

    Hope you get it all sorted soon, and can log in and enjoy the fun. Hey, by that time, the bugs might be ironed out too!!

  7. well my pc has broken completely and now nolonger boots at all.
    i give up

  8. Ack, your computer died! *sob* Nuuuuuuuuuuu!

    Well, I do hope you get everything resolved soon and don't feel like you have to avoid posting if you're not playing! We still read your blog :)

    That's awesome though that you got recognized on the forums in that signature...there are hundreds of posters there...and of all those hundreds of people - you were singled out as being inspirational.

    Awesome! :)

  9. Thank you both for your comments, My PC is alive and well after replacing the HDD, which we suspect has bad sectors. We think i was unlucky enough to try and install 3.1 onto one of these and it killed my machine.
    Anyway, I'm finally back on WoW went into Ulduuar yesterday and loved our wipefest on razourscale.

  10. Glad to see you back and in Ulduar. There are some nice changes to the encounters coming in 3.1.1 which should be out next week. We're getting yet another free respec too...... just as I got my spec just about perfect >.<

    We spent ages on Auraiya last night. The fight itself is nothing compared to the utter nightmare that is the pull itself. Nothing we tried (and we tried a lot) resulted in a pull without at least on person getting gibbed by Pounce. Still, gotta love Ulduar. At least it's not Naxx :D

  11. Hehe only had goes on Razourscale atm. Our guild attendance is still down.

  12. Going by what happened in one of my previous guilds, people will start signing once you guys get it locked down and are having an easier time of it. Basically, people aren't signing as they don't want to wipe for horus on end, or they think it's too hard. QQ!!

    I dislike that attitude, I would rather wipe for weeks on end because I know that when you finally get that beautiful kill in the end, there will be ten minutes of screaming for joy in vent!
