Heya all
I am now on twitter
If you have any questions or you are in need of advice you can now get me on there.
Happy Hunting
My First Hunter Guide
Woot I am now on youtube channel, the address is the hunters sanctuary
I'm still a little rough around the edges with Windows Movie Maker but i am getting there. Here is my first crack at it. Forgive the low volume if you have issues.
Sorry for the low volume on the video. I am really struggling to sort out audio levels between World of Warcraft and my microphone. Either I’m too low and wow is too loud or the other way round I can’t find a good balance. I am using FRAPS and Windows Movie Maker if you have and ideas on how I can level my audio out or at least increase my mic input volume which currently is at max that I can see. I’ve tried to microphone/ headsets and both give a low input volume. Any way to add-ons...
A small subtle add-on that give you a numerical countdown for all you and your pet skills and abilities.
A running timer buff add-on that indicates active hunter and pet buffs as well a number of racials and trinket PROCS (inc Heroism and Darkmoon Cards)
CT buffs – CT Mod Advanced
This package contains: CT_Core v3.017, CT_BarMod v3.019, CT_BottomBar v3.017, CT_BuffMod v3.011, CT_ExpenseHistory v3.005, CT_MailMod v3.008, CT_MapMod v3.006, CT_PartyBuffs v3.005, CT_Timer v3.006, CT_Viewport v3.005.
I however just use CORE and CT_MailMod and CT_BuffMod in my Interface/Addons folder so I don’t have 2 bar addons running.
Power Auras Classic
An add-on to provide Audio and Visual stimulus for buffs and debuffs and PROCS
Blood Arrows PAC Guides Part 1 and Part 2 check out his blog posts on these for his Aura-String and URL for the audio files used in the guide
How to import these into Power Auras
1. Right click on one of "download" links on Blood Arrows post save "Save Target As." the file to your computer.
2. Open file with a text editor (like notepad.exe)
3. Open Power Auras in World of Warcraft ('type /powa')
4. Click "Import" button.
5. Paste the contents of the text file into the Aura-string, and click "Accept"
6. The aura will be instantly created in Power Auras.
7. Repeat for each of the auras you want to try.
Please note: some auras wont show until the add-on sees the buff or debuff on you. So when creating new ones for example “Rapid Fire” create the “Aura” then after coming out of the menu Activate Rapid Fire you should then see the Aura or Symbol you have used to then adjust where on the screen it appears and size. If it doesn’t appear wait for the cooldown and try again. It should work. It took me a few tries on some auras for it to show on screen.
MSBT – Miks Scrolling Battle txt
Scrolling damage text and notifies of PROCS and ability cooldowns. This can also be configures to give audio signal for cooldowns too. This is difficult to configure to start with to give the Audio indicators e.g.- “Serpent Sting Out” etc but these two videos helped greatly. I watched these over and over until I understood how these where done.
Pet Info
To remind you to feed your pet or if you have the Glyph of Mend Pet to use Mend Pet to keep your pet happy and doing 125% damage. Note that you can use Mend pet in combat so having this glyph will mean you can keep your pet happy even if in combat. Whereas without the glyph you would have to come out of combat before feeding your pet.
Viper Notify
A reminder to swap Aspects fro Viper to Dragonhawk when mana is full and Aspect of the Viper is still on. An Audio and Visual stimulus that can be set at different thresholds other than 100% mana if you want to know when your mana is at a level you deem full enough.
Z hunter
A collapse able bar add-on for all aspects of a hunter. Traps, Aspects, Pet skills even MD notify to raid/ party. I use it to keep bars at a minimum and free up screen space. It can be set to not collapse and left or right extensions if required. I also use the MD functionality for /raid chat to notify the tank I’m “Misdirecting to” that a mob will been interested in him. This also covers your back to show you have MD’d the target the Raid Leader may have been asked you to and also to coordinate with other hunters in the raid who may MD the same tank in a chain MD pull or various other tanks in a sequence pull. It can also give the tank that you are misdirecting to an indication you are struggling with threat if say a Feign Death has been resisted or if his/her Threat per Second is too low and to kick it up a notch. Screaming your threat (tps) is rubbish usually falls on deaf ears. So show you are trying to reduce your threat and are giving him some of it through Misdirect.
I hope this guide has been a help and please leave me feed back so I know what to change and do better for next time.
Happy Hunting
Some Tweaks to my MM build
OK after some messing around I now have a new Marksmanship Build that has improved upon my dps as well as changing a glyph from Kill Shot to Chimera Shot, that has also helped.
Clip of my Armoury talent page below and my latest WWS Report on my dps frm 25 Man Ulduar.
Still totally loving Marksmanship Spec
Oh on a side note im getting to grips with FRAPS and video editing so should have some video tutorials and guides soon :D
Happy Hunting
3.1 Survival Build
Survival was always one of my favourite builds in The Burning Crusade when it was an underpowered build to be and only a few hunters could pull it off with any decent dps.
In Wrath, after the major buffs this build received many hunters turned to this spec with a huge amount of DPS output. It was sad to say many of these hunters could not do this build justice and with some lower geared hunters just didn’t have the stats to back up the build.
Survival is a very stat dependant build with Agility at its core. Many of these hunters had come from the Beast Mastery tree where Attack Power was the core of that spec and it just didn’t transfer over. Survival is all about PROCS that come from having massive amounts of Agility.
Before the change to Survival, your main PROC was Lock ‘n’ Load from either traps or Serpent Sting DOT tick, now after 3.1 it’s from again Traps and now the new Black Arrow shot DOT tick. The other proc was Expose Weakness a buff that increased your Attack Power by 25% of your AGI for 7 seconds. Also, Thrill of the Hunt, which regenerates mana each time you critically hit, so again the more Agi you have the higher your crit chance. Therefore, you can see AGI means a lot to this build and this is why the abilities like lightning reflexes are build into the tree. This is why a lot of the hunters that went from Beast Mastery to Survival found that although the spec was so over powered and they could do massive dps with it; once Blizzard resorted the tree with the new redesigned Lock ‘n’ Load at its heart it just didn’t work as well as it should. Again, they lamented on the World of Warcraft hunter forums.
I personally no longer like the Survival build much to my despair, as I loved it so much in TBC. The new redesigned L’n’L proc just isn’t for me, and to be honest I don’t like a build designed around a random proc that as of 3.1 very rarely happens.
Some talents to think about
Lock and Load -
You have a 100% chance when you trap a target with Freezing Trap, Freezing Arrow or Frost Trap and a 6% chance when you deal periodic damage with your Immolation Trap or Black Arrow to cause your next 2 Arcane Shot or Explosive Shot spells to trigger no cooldown, cost no mana and consume no ammo.
The main talent at the Survival heart. However most hunters get this wrong and spam two explosive shots one after another. This unfortunately over rights the Explosive Shot DOT tick, which as of 3.1 can now critically hit, so ensuring the tick happens is necessary. To do so power Auras addons help, some macros can also help with this two with I will highlight later on. For now let’s think about the L’n’L proc rotation. When you hear that magic sound happen:
Explosive Shot -> Aimed Shot (if you have it in your build) -> Explosive Shot if not use Explosive -> Multi -> Explosive. By doing this instant shot in the middle you ensure the Explosive shot DOT tick happens and you don’t over write it.
Expose Weakness -
Your ranged criticals have a 33% 66% 100% chance to grant you Expose Weakness. Expose Weakness increases your attack power by 25% of your Agility for 7 sec.
OK sounds good right? 3/3 all the way. Whey hay 100% woot! NO! Think about this for a second. How much Crit do you have? 30% crit and above? Raid buffed you are talking almost what 40% and that’s with medium gear. High End gear it will get even higher So you are critically hitting most of the time with one shot or another, with 100%, every time you crit you are over writing the buff over and over and over and not letting it run to its 7 second duration. Is this making sense now? Therefore, this 100% 3/3 talent point is a bit of a waste of 3 points. With high end gear you probably only need 1 point in Expose Weakness as your Crit will be high enough that more often than not you are under the influence of the buff, more than 1 point would be a waste and these points could be put elsewhere in other damaging talents. Again, this shows that AGI is at the core of this build, as AGI will determine how much this buff will be and increase your crit freeing up 2 points to use elsewhere.
Go For the Throat (Marksmanship Tree) -
Your ranged critical hits cause your pet to generate 25 Focus.
I will bang on about this repeatedly. Your pet is your friend; it’s why you rolled a hunter. Give it some love. Remember those points you freed up from Expose Weakness? Show your pet some love and give it 1 point in this talent. Only the 1 mind you don’t need any more than that, and I’ll tell you why. You either have a wolf for the Furious Howl talent, which gives you a nice amount of Attack Power buff, or say a cat or raptor something decent for damage or just for the buff it gives you. You are not Beast Mastery so you pet won’t have talents like Bestial Discipline so its threat generation will be extremely low, so low in fact that after the initial Dash ,Charge, Rend/ Furious Howl, Claw/Bite it won’t regenerate Focus to do much more that Claw or Bite or say Rend. Rendering the other damage talents or buffs useless as it will use the Focus Dump first using up whatever Focus it had leaving the other talents to sit their languishing not used. This is called Focus Starvation. With 1 point in GFTT, your crit is so high, so much so that each time you crit your pet generates 25 focus to use for whatever is ready to use. Meaning that it can focus dump more, which means more damage from your pet and overall more dps from you, and if that all-important Howl is ready, you get it every 40 seconds without fail. So why not 2 points? 2 points would give your pet 50 focus every time you crit this sounds better, but in fact your crit is so high that you pet would end up over gorged with focus and not able to use it all so again this would be a waste of a point that could be used to better effect elsewhere.
So know you know a bit more about the Survival tree, and why some talents are just not worth maxing. I must bang on again about IF you don’t have the hit cap of 264 or 164 with 3/3 in Focused Aim, you might as well throw your DPS in the bin. It won’t matter how much AGI and crit you have if you don’t have the hit cap you’re not going to hit anything and your DPS will fail! So get to that all-important hit cap first with 3/3 in the Focused Aim talent (found in the Marksmanship tree) and then get more Hit on gear so you can reduce the amount of points in this talent to put elsewhere. Here is a build to use IF and I say IF you are already at 264 HIT. If you aren’t you will have to take points from this build to put in Focused Aim. Ideas like taking out Aimed Shot and use Multi-Shot, take out Nox Stings until you have the required hit and then put these talent points back and use Aimed Shot and Nox Stings.
1st macro is my Black Arrow/ Pet abilities macro
#showtooltip Black Arrow
/cast Black Arrow
/cast Call of the wild
/cast Rabid
I tried with Black Arrow off this macro and to be honest, it’s just too many things to keep track of. Black Arrow works well on the macro as you hit serpent sting just before your first opener of Black Arrow this means your pet is already in combat so you don’t waste any uptime of call of the wild and rabid in the time your pet gets to your mob. You can add /Cast Furious Howl as an extra line if you want, if you are not happy to leave it on auto cast.
2nd macro is my main/spammy macro. Not used to extent, it used to be and now Kill Shot is on the GCD (Global Cool Down) it has to be removed from the original macro. However, this has made things somewhat better. The macro I use for all builds as it is generic.
/console sound_enablesfx0
/cat Steady Shot
/cast Kill Command
/console sound_enablesfx1
Use this when all other shots are on CD and mash it so kill command is used when it’s available. You will still hear the roar when it’s used.
3rd macro
/castsequence reset=2 Explosive shot, Aimed shot
Now I tweaked this about according to how much haste to few seconds before it reverts to Explosive shot and you miss the Aimed shot timer and too long before it resets and you waste time before it swaps back to Explosive. I tried 6 secs and that was far too long Explosive shot was coming back faster and I was waiting for it to swap back to Explosive for me to hit it. In addition, this meant I couldn’t use this macro when Lock ‘n’ Load PROC’D. So try reset=2 and see how it goes I found this to be the optimal time between shots rotation. This also means that when Lock ‘n’ Load PROCS you can hit Explosive shot -> Aimed Shot -> Explosive shot one after another without any worry the DOT tick from Explosive Shot will be over written.
Kill Shot
Now kill shot is on the GCD we can no longer add this too macros (tis a pain but simple enough to remedy. Either put it on its own or you can make another macro easy enough to use.
/cast Kill Shot
This simple macro should stop whatever you are doing (usually Steady Shot) to fire Kill Shot meaning you don’t miss any time waiting for the cast time of Steady Shot to end.
Shot Rotation
Well you now have three DOT timers to watch as well as a PROC and a PROC rotation to remember. So what to use first? I didn’t stay Survival long but the shot rotation I used is as follows:
Hunter’s Mark/ PetAttack -> Serpent Sting -> Black Arrow (Macro) -> Explosive shot -> Aimed Shot-> Steady Shot x 2/3 depending on haste and then watching cooldowns depending what is ready to use.
Whether you use Black Arrow then Serpent Sting first is up to you. With the Serpent sting buff being slightly longer (with Glyph and Resourcefulness) I use the longer DOT timer first.
Lock ‘n’ Load rotation
As explained above Explosive Shot -> Aimed/ Multi Shot (depending what you have in your build) -> Explosive Shot
Explosive Shot
Serpent Sting (with noxious stings this glyph helps you to have serpent sting DOT up longer)
And either Kill Shot or Aimed Shot
I prefer the Kill Shot as with Survival your Kill Shot hits so massively when it crits its well worth the reduction of 6 seconds on the cooldown. It’s up to you though.
Again, it’s up to you. Your pet is secondary to your dps so think of pets that will either be happy if left to itself or will add a buff to you like the wolf. Pets like Cat, Raptor will happily do decent dps on its own doing Claw and Rend/ Savage Rend and with 1 point in Go For The Throat will have more than enough Focus to do these over and over without much interference from you. Alternatively, the new Wolf with Furious Howl that won’t do great damage but will give you a nice buff every 40 seconds again if given focus to use.