
3.2.2 - Crush BM some more, why dont ya?

o Beast Mastery
The Beast Within: The duration of this talent has been reduced to 10 seconds. In addition, hunters with this talent will do 10% additional damage at all times.
Bestial Wrath: The duration of this talent has been reduced to 10 seconds.

hmm I wonder why Blizzard dicided to do this as really no hunters are BM any more and BM has the least dmg of all three build atm so why nerf it again?

I've been a big advocate for all the specs in raid but after 3 months now ive sen few to none Beast master hunters in Raids or Heroic pugs and i can fully understand why as Beast Mastery no matter how good you are as a player take so much effort to play and you do so little damage compared to Survival / Marksmanship, why beat yourself over the head to stay Beast Mastery. It is such a shame that Blizard continue to crush this spec.

Master's Call: This ability now correctly removes the snaring component of Infected Wounds, Frostfire Bolt, and Slow.

Trap Mastery's (Survival) tooltip now states the correct amount of snakes summoned.

Glyph of Freezing Trap: The effect from this glyph will now log properly.

All ranks of Sonic Blast now properly have an 80 Focus cost.
Black Arrow Ranks 5 and 6 training costs have been lowered significantly.
Furious Howl: Ranks 1-5 will no longer give slightly more attack power than is listed in their tooltips.
Lock and Load: The tooltip for this talent has been updated to indicate that it also works with Explosive Trap.
Roar of Sacrifice: Damage transferred to pet is now considered Nature damage.
The tooltip for Improved Tracking has been slightly re-written to indicate that it only works on the hunter, and works on melee damage as well.
T.N.T. (Rank 3): Now indicates that the talent works with Black Arrow.

Hunter Tier-9 2-Piece Set Bonus: Critical damage from Serpent Sting will now work properly with the Mortal Shots and Expose Weakness talents.

These are all the changes to hunters that I can find in the patch notes.

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