
the hunters sanctuary

well ppl my little blog and my massive effort has been noticed,woot! The 120 or hits im getting each day here from you lovely ppl has paid off. I've been asked to be the wow hunter correspondant for Gaxonline the game networking site. So I'll be posting hunter guides on there. I will still keep up this as a personal blog as to what im doing in my wow life. but...
The meat of the show will be at the hunter's sanctuary
Please register and visit me there for all the usual tips tricks, theory crafting and hunter chat.
you'll find a good buch of ppl all mad about gaming from every angle, many podcasts from the members and guides, reveiws and blogs from gaming addicts/ fans. :)

Plus there is a gaxchat (look at the bottom right hand corner of the gaxonline main page. a little person icon with a green/red dot. Click the popup icon (not expand) to bring the chat to a new page) so you can get into contact with members and bloggers directly.

See you soon there. I love you all keep reading here for all my wow blogging and my new page for all the hunter chat and love you'd xpect to find here.

happy hunting

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  1. Big grats Saphire hun!!

    Don't you be forgetting your readers here now!! I'll be watching the new articles with great interest. I'm sure they will be as good as the blog is.

    Take care, and enjoy your new role!



  2. aww ty shane. ill still be posting stuff here all my hunter guides and tips will be on the new site

    <3 u shane

  3. Grats Queen Hunny Bun /love & /hug

    Now dont you be forgetting your responsibilitys in guild :p


  4. you know i wont oh cuggly bun. the guild is family to me
