
Stop auto attack and lemmings

I received an email today from P.J O'Neil

Very usefull info in your Blog- made me think you could help me with something that is driving me crazy:
Before the patch, I used a Macro to fire a hi-threat shot and then stop fireing to avoid breaking my own trap with auto-shot. Now, no matter how much I play with the syntax, I cannot stop shooting. /stopattack does not work, neither does /stopcasting.
Blizzard has sent their standard boilerplate "please disable addons" response to any question, so I am at a loss.
What am I doing wrong, what command will stop shooting.
Thanks for a great Blog.

Well thank you P.J its nice to see my blog is being appreciated.

In answer to your question:
I havent cc'd since Wrath came out as most mobs/ trash can be 'aoe'd' and while lvling with a bear or gorilla takes out most of the need for cc with their multi-mob threat abilities, i thought this might be something to look into, just for curiosity's sake.
As you say stopattack and stopcasting no longer work, so i tried another way so here is the macro you asked for. For a high threat shot i used Arcane Shot for an example but you can use any shot that doesnt put a dot on (Distracting Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot)

Just remember to hit the macro twice: once to shoot the 'threat' shot the second to stop your auto attack you can spammit if you are paranoid :D spam it all you like it will only fire again if the shot you use in the macro is off CD.

/cast Arcane Shot
/cast attack

WHAT!! you say /cast attack stops me attacking???. yup it does. what you are doing is toggling auto attack off, which is automatically turned on when you right click the target or start firing. so this macro toggles it off after firing a shot.
Another way to do it if you aren't stuck for room is put your trap down, shoot the mob, then Disengage.
Disengage will take you out of combat leaping backwards this also means the mob has to run further to get to you so has to walk/ run over your trap.

Note: Disengage
Disengaging takes a certain awareness of your surroundings. Mobs behind you will obv be very interested in you, if you land in the middle/ next to em. Also Disengage will not work if you are on an incline looking down. Silly blizzard wont let us leap back and up and the same time :P
However if you are on an incline facing upwards and disengage, you will fly backwards way further that you anticipate. Which can cause extreme amusement, but may kill you as you splat when you hit the ground. eg standing at the top of stairs looking up you should fly back 20 yards or so. however you are more than likely to leap way back to the bottom of the stairs or off the edge.
Also disengage wont care if you are on a edge of a cliff. Disengage while standing at the edge of a cliff, edge of anything thats an extremely high drop, tops of castles/walls, anything you can fall off and die. Disengage wont stop at the edge. you ll fly off the edge like the lemming you are. weeeeeeee SPLAT!
Much to the amusement or chargin of your teammates :)

hope this macro and info helps you P.J and thank you again for reading my blog

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  1. HEHE, Queen Hunny Bun strikes again, is there just no ends to her talents and knowledge :p

    Cuggles ;P

  2. heya Cuggles, lovely to have you comment on my blog. Happy hunting on Cugger

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice suggestion, I'll add my 2 pence if nobody protests.

    I'm not massively clued up on macros but my worry is this: if you spam the macro, you may not fire off your high threat until the cooldown is up, but what effect will the spam have on auto attack? Surely you will be toggling it off and on again?

    My suggestion would be to utilise the focus target for this macro, allowing you to keep your main target as a mob to be attacked/pet tanked.

    Something along the lines of:

    /cast [target=focus] Distracting Shot

    Although if you use the focus target for other purposes I guess it maybe isn't an option. My other suggestion is to try /cleartarget instead of /cast attack.

    PS I like your suggestion for Disengage. Its such a fun spell and I fully endorse using every skill available to us. Especially if the effect is as dramatic as this!

  5. i sat spamming the macro i created and no it didnt toggle autshot off and on, just fire Arc shot ever 6secs. /clear target would work as well, but i didnt test this.

  6. Hi Saph;

    Yes, the Macro worked, Thank You. I thought it should execuite both lines w/ one click, but it's no problem to click twice. I havn't traped much since WotLK, but there might be more call for it with the next patch.

    Thanks for the answer and the great blog.

