
Tier 8 Skins

Is it just me, or are Bizz a bit plate mad of late. Almost all the T8 skins look like plate even mage T8 does.
Don't get me wrong i love the look of T7 and this was my first time ive ever managed to get a full set of Tgear and its the only helm Ive ever had on 'show', but we are playing a RPG shouldn't our chars look and have gear that is in line with their class? I know blizz still make druid gear to look natural with leaves vines and globes and priests with wings or looking atleast holy and pious. But this is becoming rarer and rarer as the T gear comes out. Everything looks like plate, dark metal heavily on the 'skull on chest/ shoulders' motif. its just getting me down.

I rolled a hunter, how is a hunter supposed to hunt, track beasts, hide behind trees, blend with the forest (i know a romantic view of hunters) or whatever covered in big meaty plate looking kit. I can def say that this helm WONT be 'on show' its just plain fugly!!!
I prefer the black and green skins of the t8 tho i have only some idea of the colour relevance. 10 man being one colour, 25 another and pvp another tho, I'm not sure about the 4th colour or why hunters have 4 colours and rogues only 3. but nvm.

What are your thoughts, are they fugly or awesome or both?
I think they look awesome, but really don't look well... very huntery
And whats with the helm :(

female version above male version below
There is some consolation atleast we don't have a helm that's like the rogue T8. Good god what where Blizz thinking of. YUK!

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