
And he shall be my stinky

woot 50 pets and counting. and here is my stinky reward. :D

my fave pet atm is
its so pretty. not an easy ach to get either. going now for 75 pets which will give me a ickle fawn yey!! at 55 atm now it gets even harder and seen and the RNG for the valentines day festival declined to give me a Truesilver arrow thats 1 i cant get till next year :(

oh well here is for dailys and getting money to buy redicuously expensive pets off ah and grinding for ones that will take days to get (whelps, firefly etc) will keep my busy atleast. hehe

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  1. need to get me sticky look sso cute with the lead on gz :)

  2. I've noticed that if someone has a black cat (bombay?) that the skunk and cat chase each other.

  3. Gratz on all of the pets and the very nice blog, keep it up.

    Im very new to the hunter class, so was happy for find your blog :)

  4. Nice blog, I'll be keeping an eye on it, fellow hunter :-)

    Regards the Black Cat and Skunk behaviour, this was a recent change/addition. If your skunk sees a black cat, it will chase off after it in a bid to lavish affection on it, much like Pepe lePew (or howver you spell it) the cartoon character.

  5. pets ftw - they're cute, they are loyal - what's not to like. Nice blog you've got here :-)

  6. Nice one! Now I'll take my Black Tabby out so they can chase each other :>

    Rhob - Doomhammer EU.

  7. i got my nr 75 a week ago :)

    + the proto-drake whelp so now im up to a whopping 77 (the site says 78 but i have added one i dont have, just cant figure out whitch one QQ)

    Well gl, and keep on farming!

    PS: Took me 3 years to get the Truesilver arrow...true story!

  8. Chasing the 75vanity pet achievement myself :-P Think I got 53 or so at the moment :) Was lucky enough to get the Truesilvershaft twice during the holiday, though I couldn't do anything with the 2nd one except deleting it :-/

    Favorite pet is either the bird from the Oracle egg or the Proto Drake pet, simply because they fly around at your head rather than at your feet as the owls do :-)

  9. awesome must grind 2 black cats one for me and one for hangman and see if pepe lepew wants some lovin'
