
MM build

i have put the wrong glyph in here Glyph of Serpent sting it much better then viper here as this adds to your chimera shot dmg

After alot of specing and alot of trying rotations out. here is the MM build ive found to be the most effective for me.

Mana intensive MM may be but i've not really had any probs with mana in 25 man raids and still come out in the top 3 on dmg meters with this spec.

The shot rotation i found most effective was - Serpent sting, Chimera Shot, Arcane shot, Aimed Shot, Steady shot x 3
Using Chimera Shot, arcane shot and aimed shot each time there cooldowns are up and procing Rapid fire/ Rediness/ Rapid Fire each time RF was up no matter if i was on boss fight or not as well as proccing trinkets when these are up.
i dont see why ppl save these esssential tools till the get to boss fight. use them each and every time they are up. Boss fight are normally supeceeded by a run thru of the boss tactics, full buffing etc plenty of time for all CD to come back anyway.

BM huner Simelda beats me where as Sv hunter teethio didnt do as much. here is the break downdont knock barrage in the mm tree. Shabs was my wind serpent cunning pet so prob not as good a dmg pet as a cat or wasp etc but wanted to give cunning pets a try. they are still good dps tho. try em out.

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1 comment:

  1. My actual build (we lack +10% AP buff in the raid so I'm forced to go MM):

    4/5 Unleashed Rage instead of 3/3 Imp Steady Shot and 2/2 Surv Insctincts proved to do more dps for me. My "easy" rotation is the same you showed up there, the hard one would be:


    2 Chimera, 2 Aimed, 3 Arcane and 6 Steady shot.

    The easy rotation:


    2 Chimera, 2 Aimed, 2 Arcane and 7 Steady shot.

    Since Arcane does way more damage than Steady, the first rotation is better dps wise.

    Rhob - Doomhammer EU.
