
Number Crunching - Haste Rating

Haste Rating

Base cap 522.7

Haste points iaoth
> 522 0
412-522 1
308-411 2
209-307 3
115-208 4
27-114 5

>522 0 (not worth to take the glyph)
412-521 1 (but drop the glyph)
209-411 1
115-208 2
27-114 3
0-26 4

things ive learned - what we are aiming for as sv and mm hunters is a steady shot of 1.5 sec cast time no lower no higher.
BM are already haste capped to a ss of 1.5 secs so BM dont need any more haste at all.

Haste is capped at 522.7 to get ss to 1.5 sec cast time this can be done with full 25 man gear and then some withthe gear i was lookign at was 645 haste on just gear, no gems enchants anything. however ive learned to get this number while getting gear is easier than you think. Improved Aspect of the Hawk is your freind. above are listing depending on your haste rating how many points in IaotH wil improve your haste to the hit cap. It's not as bad as it sounds, though- imp Aspect of the Hawk helps quite a bit, as does its glyph, and there is plenty of haste on entry level gear in WotLK.

iAotH is worth 98.37 haste per point when it is active, and the glyph adds 196.74 to that. In other words, the beginning MM or SV hunter can take just 1 point in iAotH and be assured of 295 haste on a regular basis!

so again dont stay static with the stats and gear you have try for more haste and reduce the amounts you need in IaotH and go further down the tree or put these points else where

As a start IaotH will help you get to that all important cap.

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