
SV hunter build

i did take exp shot honest my screen aint big enough to capture the last talent

Survival takes some thought as to how you want to play. pets are secondary as in MM. its ou as a hunter and how close you want to be to a boss and how able you are to trap dance. if like me you couldnt dance to save you life go for the sniper build ive posted. If yu think you can trap dance, go for Glyph of imolation shot and trap dance your life away..

i however found i didnt like being close to bosses i found hit boxes on bosses to be far too gimped for LnL to proc most of the time. one example being a trap on under the back foot of mallygos and it sat there didnt proc, didnt go off anything. so i gave up with traps and dancing. ive also been told by another SV hunter that sometimes his freezing trap will go off cc the mob but no LnL procs. i relied on Serpent sting to proc LnL and went sniper and hawk eye instead and if and when i had to be close to a boss i.e thadduis do a bit of trap dancing then cos 30 yard range is not advised on him.
a BRK podcast n12 i think is all about sv hunters with a sv hunter lienna from Lienna's log blog talk about the sv tree and spec

so shot rotaions HM - SS - Ex shot- ss x 3 rinse and repeat. when LnL procs dont just fire 3 x Exp shots do Exp shot, mend pet, Exp shot, Seprpent sting, Exp shot so the CD gives the dot time to fire before firing another exp shot.

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  1. You could use Aimed Shot in the Rotation. Sniper's Training, boosts the damage output of this shot by 6% and unlike Multishot, it can go in the rotation you mentioned without even losing your full circle. This means that you can fire an Aimed Shot just before the steady shot bar fades off.

  2. I'd go for this:

    2/5 IAotH + Glyph is a nice boost of dps and prety much a must, Aimed shot should be taken and included in your rotation since it does way more damage than Steady and mana isn't a problem nowadays (get rid of that Viper glyph NAU!1!1).

    Anyways, nice blog and initiative. Keep it up!

    Rhob - Doomhammer EU.

  3. I wish there was talent/skill that would let us load a trap and then shoot it off. Just like the freezing arrow we have now but we would use the skill and then press trap and then target like with the freezing arrow.

  4. I dropped Aimed shot in my rotation, and as far as i can see I have gained dps.

    Did 5.7k dps on Patch yesterday f.ex:

    using this spec atm:

    @ Rhob: About Aimed, im not so sure about that, it has a higher base dmg but I did alot of steady shots over 5k last raid.

    Last raid was also my first raid using just Steady Shot in btw my ES (and SS ofc) so pretty much ES > Steady x 3 and I couldnt feel a dmg lose at all. I actually gained dps since i could squesse in more Steady shots and get more dmg out.

    Worth notecing is that i didnt have my pve glyphs on me last raid (steady + 3% dmg and hawk + haste)

  5. @Aki: Being implemented in 3.1, really looking forward to it.

    @Dejan: Aimed does more damage than Steady, and scales much better (20% of RAP for Aimed and 10% for Steady). In my last Naxx + Malygos run my highest Aimed was 1k above my highest Steady, plus it benefits from Sniper Training.

    Rhob - Doomhammer EU.
