
more pets

new pet dragonhawk in OS today
i cant really give you good precise details as to if it was a decent pet or not as we spent all night wiping on OS +2drakes but nice pet.
if you are struggling to find a quick pet after a respec quickly before a raid its in crystal song woods 80 elite horde pvp flight dragonhawk for alliance. for horde im not so sure about maybe if you tick at war for that faction you could possible still get it. just go up behind the two dragon hawks trap and tame. it wont agro the flight master or the other dragonhawk

very handy if you need a lvl 80 pet and fast

oo ooo new compaion also
sprite darter companion is from a quest line that starts in Ferelas near the Grimtotem Camp follow the q line upto going to The Temple of the Moon, while you are there grab too low lvl Elixir of fort from the ah, then go back to Ferelas talk to the same NElf and continue on the q line. ends in Hinterlands.
Really easy to do and lovely little pet. takes about an hour to do over all. just watch out for the timed quest to get to Hinterlands you have an hour dead easy to do.

Will farm for the little back cat on my horde hunter tommorow x 2 ofc :D

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  1. There's a mob in Hillsbrad that has an increased chance to drop that Black Tabby.

    This guy:

  2. yup camping it now on my horde hunter
